Codex API: Archives


The QueryArchiveFieldLength function opens an archive and prepares basic archive information. The QueryArchiveEx function is typically called after this function.


INT QueryArchiveFieldLength(
    LPCTSTR lpFileName,       // name of file to open
    INT iItems,               // required buffer length for file names inside archive
    INT iPwdItems,            // required buffer length for password protected file names inside archive
    INT iDateTimes,           // required buffer length for dates and times of files inside archive
    INT iSizes,               // required buffer length for sizes of files inside archive
    INT iCompSizes            // required buffer length for compressed sizes of files inside archive



[in] Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the full path of the archive to query.


[out] The required size of the buffer to hold the names of files inside the archive, excluding the null terminator.


[out] The required size of the buffer to hold the names of password protected files inside the archive, excluding the null terminator.


[out] The required size of the buffer to hold the dates and times of files inside the archive, excluding the null terminator.


[out] The required size of the buffer to hold the sizes of files inside the archive, excluding the null terminator.


[out] The required size of the buffer to hold the compressed sizes of files inside the archive, excluding the null terminator.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is 0.

If the function fails, the return value is the required size of the buffer to hold the textual description of the error that occurred while querying the archive. This error is returned by the plug-in handling the archive.


Call the QueryArchiveFieldLength function first to obtain the sizes of the buffers you need to allocate. If QueryArchiveFieldLength succeeds, then call the QueryArchiveEx function to obtain the actual archive information into the buffers you have allocated.


Windows NT/2000/XP: Requires Windows NT 4.0 SP4 or later.
Windows 95/98/Me:
Requires Windows 98 (or Windows 95 with DCOM 1.2).
Declared in mCodexAPI.h.
Use mCodexAPI.dll.

See Also

Codex API Overview, Codex API Functions, LoadPlugIns, QueryArchiveEx, COMMATEXT